How to get the latest Version of myhdl 2

I followed the tip in ‘How to get the latest Version of myhdl’ but it seems i did not succeed.
(I renew the topic here)

I uninstalled myhdl first.

then i did as proposed (in a virtual environment called installation):

(installation) PS C:\Users\Stefan\Desktop\svn\installation> pip install git+
Collecting git+
Cloning GitHub - myhdl/myhdl: The MyHDL development repository (to revision master) to c:\users\stefan\appdata\local\temp\pip-req-build-dmwuojv8
Running command git clone --filter=blob:none --quiet GitHub - myhdl/myhdl: The MyHDL development repository ‘C:\Users\Stefan\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-req-build-dmwuojv8’
Resolved GitHub - myhdl/myhdl: The MyHDL development repository to commit b85c1668c1cb70ea9c3331a379d9aecff998b6c5
Preparing metadata ( … done
Building wheels for collected packages: myhdl
Building wheel for myhdl ( … done
Created wheel for myhdl: filename=myhdl-0.11-py3-none-any.whl size=153946 sha256=e731e1ff1ee453d5d5018aed74e1264ce8cf4e169e099ed089a4827cc628c5c2
Stored in directory: C:\Users\Stefan\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-ephem-wheel-cache-r9m3mi1_\wheels\44\1c\ff\6da836d88c569b4b80ec11145054f2f88dc1c94bba52cedde1
Successfully built myhdl
Installing collected packages: myhdl
Successfully installed myhdl-0.11

→ So this reinstalled good old myhdl-0.11
Are there any more suggestions on how to get the latest Version?

This can be deceptive, it is reporting the rev number contained in the checkout, which is still set to 0.11. I think you’ll find that the code is more update to date than the one you would get from PyPi

I prefer:

git clone
pip install -e myhdl

That install from the local checkout, you can also edit the version of myhdl you have to see if it changes

I think the version of myhdl that it is reporting is actually located here:


Good to know.
Means I can try with the latest python.
Thank you Dave!

I installed the latest python and following your tip i got

Successfully installed myhdl-0.11.42

which indeed works with python 3.11.

Thanks again!

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@stekar Stefan,

I only read this deeper today - as I was searching to help another community member
but pip install git+ installs the tip of the master branch. Which will give the same result as the follow-up post by @davekeeshan.
Unfortunately you can not see this from the version number(s) - we are working on that
