This is the last roundup, as posted in previous GSoC roundups the GSoC program has outlined that all students have their final code committed by 20-Aug. If you have not committed your final code make sure to do so in the next couple days and prepare your final blog post that will be used in your evaluation submission.
All mentors need to provide a summary of the students final evaluation to me (@cfelton) via email by 22-Aug. The assigned mentors were never corrected in the GSoC system, I will need to complete all the final evaluations again. Because of schedule conflicts and PSF requirements I will be completing all the evaluations by the 23rd, please provide the final review as soon as possible.
** Student final project submission **
Students, make sure to have your final blog post, the final post should review what you completed and what is outstanding. I should be able to easily understand what is working in the projects, what is missing, and what doesn’t work. This detailed final post is required for a passing evaluation.
The GSoC work product submission guidelines outline what the final post should have. Take the time required to generate the final blog post that you will link in your submission, it should have:
- Description of the work completed.
- Any outstanding work if not completed.
- Link to the main repository.
- Links to the PRs created during the project.
Review the submission guidelines page in detail.
The idea of GSoC isn’t that students churn out code – it’s important that the code be potentially useful to the hosting Open Source project!
Also make sure the README on the project repositories is complete, it should give an overview of the project and instructions for a user to get started: install, run tests, the core interfaces, and basic functional description.
Student week12 summary (last blog, commits, PR):
health 87%, coverage 97%
@mkatsimpris: 12-Aug, >5, Y
@Vikram9866: 07-Aug, >5, Y
health 96%, coverage 51%
@meetsha1995: 11-Aug, >5, Y
@srivatsan: 14-Aug, >5, N
health 93%, coverage 92%
@ravijain056, 02-Aug, >5, N
Students and mentors:
@mkatsimpris, @vikram, @meetshah1995, @Ravi_Jain, @sriramesh4,
@jck, @josyb, @hgomersall, @martin, @guy.eschemann, @eldon.nelson,
@nikolaos.kavvadias, @tdillon, @cfelton, @andreprado88, @jos.huisken
Links to the student blogs and repositories:
Merkourious, @mkatsimpris: gsoc blog, github repo
Vikram, @Vikram9866: gsoc blog, github repo
Meet, @meetshah1995, gsoc blog: github repo
Srivatsan, @srivatsan-ramesh: gsoc blog, github repo
Ravi @ravijain056: gsoc blog, github repo
Pranjal, @forumulator: gsoc blog, github repo