How can I implement this?

Hello I would like to implement the following logic with a for loop in myhdl.
Can anyone tell me how to do it ? Thanks

intMux = [Signal(intbv(0)[16:]) for i in range(8)]
@always(reset.posedge, clk.posedge)
def statsGen():
  if reset == 1 : = 0
  elif (vld == 1): = sumInt + intMux[0] + intMux[1] + intMux[2] + \
    intMux[3] + intMux[4] + intMux[5] + intMux[6] + intMux[7]
@always(reset.posedge, clk.posedge)
def statsGen():
    if (reset == 1): = 0
    elif (vld == 1):
	sumVar = 0
	for ii in range( AddendCount ):
		sumVar = sumVar + intMux[ii] = sumVar

Jan Coombs

My take on this:

def sum(a):
    if len(a) > 2:
        # split in two
        n = len(a) // 2
        return sum(a[:n]) + sum(a[n:])
    elif len(a) == 2:
        return a[0] + a[1]
        return a[0]

intMux = [Signal(intbv(0)[16:]) for __ in range(8)]

@always_seq(clk.posedge, reset)
def statsgen():
    if vld: = sum(intMux)

This implements a binary tree-like circuit, and will give you the fastest implementation in hardware.