Preserve hierarchy


I see that for all the myhdl sub modules that during conversion, the hierarchy is flattened.
Is there an easy solution to preserve hierarchies ?
Is this feature available now ?

Thank you

The way MyHDL currently works flattens the hierarchy. There is no option to keep it in the converted design.
However, this is in the todo list.

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The preserve hierarchy is only partially supported, you will have to manually pull the different sub-blocks together.

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Hello felton,

Thank you very much for the reply.
Is it by using some conditional instantiation ?
Is there any documentation for it to do the best way?


No there is not any documentation currently, in the old mailing-list (is gmane back online yet?) there are some conversations that elude to the procedure.

I personally have not experimented with preserving hierarchy, although I was part of the conversations way back when. I will poke around and see if I can find some of the old conversations and/or put together a simple example.


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Hello Chris,

Did you find the example about preserving hierarchy while conversion?
It would be great if you could provide some info on it.


Sorry to necropost, but this topic is exactly what I am looking for. I want to be able to instantiate BFM models that can mimic xilinx IP in simulation, like a cordic or block ram memories.

I can create something that works in simulations, but for synthesis I would like to be able to drop it out and replace with the IP, I don’t see how this is possible if everything gets flattened.


It is fine to resurrect things (now and then) …
More people, me included) are interested in getting an hierarchic conversion, but I never found the time to devote to this rather large project.
There is an implementation for the pre- 0.10 MyHDL version by Jose M. Gomez (GitHub - jmgc/myhdl-numeric: Myhdl fork that includes support for multiple entities (MEP110) and fixed point functionality (MEP 111) on VHDL. See myhdl/numeric dir under the numeric branch, and the Cordic example (example/cordic/Cordic.ipynb).). Maybe we can convince him to port the hierarchy code to 0.11? I sent him an e-mail.


@davekeeshan There’s a hack that allows you to switch IP using __vhdl__ or __verilog__ variables, kind of allowing @blackbox style instancing, e.g.:

def stackmem_wrapper_ipx(clk, pa_wdata, pa_rdata, pa_we, pa_addr, \
                          pb_wdata, pb_rdata, pb_we, pb_addr):

	def dummy():

	__vhdl__ = \
stackmem_distram: entity work.machxo2_stackmem
	port map (
        WrAddress   => std_logic_vector(%(pa_addr)s),
        Data        => std_logic_vector(%(pa_wdata)s),
        WrClock     => clk,
        WE          => %(pa_we)s,
        WrClockEn   => '1',
        RdAddress   => std_logic_vector(%(pb_addr)s),
        Q           => %(pb_rdata)s

	return dummy

Not a really viable solution though for wrapping larger libraries, I’m afraid.
Even though there are a few myhdl forks that implemented hierarchy awareness and blackboxes, there are plenty of issues to be dealt with that are hard to handle with the current MyHDL ‘kernel’.

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