I get the following fir example design from open source
from myhdl import *
def m_firfilt(clock, reset, sig_in, sig_out, coef):
taps = [Signal(intbv(0, min=sig_in.min, max=sig_in.max)) for ii in range(len(coef))]
#coef_data = [Signal(intbv(0, min=sig_in.min, max=sig_in.max)) for ii in coef]
# @todo: check the coefficients, needs to be the correct type
# could even detect float here, scale and convert to int
coef = tuple(coef)
mshift = len(sig_in)-1
def rtl_sop():
if reset:
for ii in range(len(coef)):
taps[ii].next = 0
sig_out.next = 0
sop = 0
# Note this adds an extra delay! (Group delay N/2+1)
for ii in range(len(coef)):
if ii == 0:
taps[ii].next = sig_in
taps[ii].next = taps[ii-1]
c = coef[ii]
sop = sop + (taps[ii] * c)
sig_out.next = (sop >> mshift)
return rtl_sop
#Convert to Verilog
def convert():
clk = Signal(bool(False))
reset = ResetSignal(bool(False), bool(True), async=True)
sig_in= Signal(intbv(1)[8:])
coef = (12,15,17,18,19,20,-3,-5,23,567,45,234)
toVerilog.timescale = “100ms/1ms”
toVerilog(m_firfilt, clk, reset, sig_in,sig_out,coef)
and I learn the other demo , to write the test, but , it always give me some warning. Even I take more time, I have no idea how to handle it, in fact, I want to see what is the fir response. myhdl is very great tools. I try to learn it.
-- coding: utf-8 --
Created on Sun Feb 24 16:00:51 2019
@author: wisdom
import numpy as np;
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cv2;
import math;
from cmath import sin
from numpy.core.numeric import dtype
from scipy.signal import butter, lfilter, freqz
from scipy.fftpack import fft;
from myhdl import *
from firfilt import m_firfilt
#m_firfilt(clock, reset, sig_in, sig_out, coef)
Demonstrate the use of the filter.
First make some data to be filtered.
fs = 30.0
T = 5 # seconds
n = int(T * fs) # total number of samples
t = np.linspace(0, T, n, endpoint=False)
“Noisy” data. We want to recover the 1.2 Hz signal from this.
data = np.sin(1.22np.pit) + 1.5np.cos(92np.pit) + 0.5np.sin(12.02np.pi*t)
def m_firfilt_testbench():
sMax = 2**15; sMin=-1*sMax
clock = Signal(bool(0))
reset = ResetSignal(0,active = 0, async= True)
sig_in = Signal(intbv(0, min=sMin, max=sMax))
sig_out = Signal(intbv(0, min=sMin, max=sMax))
#sig_in = Signal(intbv(1)[8:])
#sig_out= Signal(intbv(1)[8:])
coef= [12,15,17,18,19,20,-3,-5,23,567,45,234]
dut= m_firfilt(clock,reset,sig_in,sig_out,coef)
HALF_PERIOD = delay(10)
def clockGen():
clock.next = not clock
def stimulus():
reset.next = 1
reset.next = 0
reset.next = 1
for i in range(1000):
yield clock.negedge
raise StopSimulation()
monitor功能非常好用, 可以立即检测是否有些功能正确设计了, 类似于signalTAP
def monitor():
print("sig_in sig_out")
yield reset.posedge
while 1:
yield clock.posedge
yield delay(1)
if sig_in >200 and sig_in<300:
print(" %s %s"%(int(sig_in),int(sig_out)))
return clockGen, stimulus,monitor,dut
I run it on Spyder, and system have the following message.
AttributeError: ‘tuple’ object has no attribute ‘config_sim’
Thank you