Read an output port

I started using MyHDL a couple of weeks ago. It is a nice tool and I’m very happy with it. I only struggle with a problem. In a design I want to use a stored value in a register. This register is also an output. The design runs fine in MyHDL, but gives the following error when I export and run it in Verilog:
** ToVerilogWarning: Output port is read internally: outA
This error is understandable of course, but what is the right way to implement it?

To explain the problem better I made an example:

def blockA(clk,inA,outA):

    def logicBlockA(): = outA+inA

    return logicBlockA

I also tried to add a buffer. This solves the error/warning, but the design still doesn’t work properly.

def blockA(clk,inA,outA):
    out_temp = Signal(intbv(0)[bitW:])

    def logicBlockA(): = out_temp+inA

    def logicBuf(): = out_temp

    return logicBuf, logicBlockA

How to solve this problem? Thanks for your reply.

The warning is typically benign not sure the roots of the warning (I typically have numerous of these).

How is it not working correctly? Seems straightforward that you have a accumulator. What does your testbench output show?

Thanks for your reply cfelton.

The outputs of my testbench only shows 0, which is also the initial value of the signal.
For simulation of the Verilog code I use the Iverilog simulator.

 Export Verilog
** ToVerilogWarning: Output port is read internally: outA
 Run Verilog
  Command # iverilog -o blockA blockA.v tb_blockA.v
  Command # vvp -m ../myhdl.vpi blockA

 Start Simulation
  in    out | correct out
    0     0 |     0
    1     0 |     1
    2     0 |     3
    3     0 |     6
    4     0 |    10
    5     0 |    15
    6     0 |    21
    7     0 |    28
    8     0 |    36
    9     0 |    45
simulation finished
Full code
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from myhdl import *

bitW = 32
def ClkDriver(clk):

    halfPeriod = delay(5)

    def driveClk(): = not clk

    return driveClk

def blockA(clk,inA,outA):

    def logicBlockA(): = outA+inA

    return logicBlockA

def blockB(clk,inA,outA):
    out_temp = Signal(intbv(0)[bitW:])

    def logicBlockA(): = out_temp+inA

    def logicBuf(): = out_temp

    return logicBuf, logicBlockA

def blockAVerilog(clk,inA,outA):
    print(" Run Verilog")
    cmd = 'iverilog -o blockA blockA.v tb_blockA.v'
    print("  Command #",cmd)
    cmd = 'vvp -m ../myhdl.vpi blockA'
    print("  Command #",cmd)
    return Cosimulation(cmd,clk=clk,inA=inA,outA=outA)

def exportVerilog():
    clk = Signal(bool(0))
    inA = Signal(intbv(0)[bitW:])
    outA = Signal(intbv(0)[bitW:])

    print(" Export Verilog")
    toVerilog(blockA, clk, inA, outA)

def testBench(simVer):
    clk = Signal(bool(0))
    inA = Signal(intbv(0)[bitW:])
    outA = Signal(intbv(0)[bitW:])

    clkdriver_inst = ClkDriver(clk)

    if simVer==1:
        dut = blockAVerilog(clk,inA,outA)
        dut = blockA(clk,inA,outA)

    print("\n Start Simulation")
    print("  in    out | correct out")

    def stimulus():
        result = 0
        for i in range(0,10):
            yield clk.posedge
   = i
            yield clk.negedge
            result = i+result
            print("{:>5d} {:>5d} | {:>5d}".format(int(inA),int(outA),result))
        # stop simulation
        print("simulation finished")
        raise StopSimulation
    return dut, stimulus, clkdriver_inst

if __name__ == "__main__":

    simVer = 1  # Simulate with 0= MyHDL 1= Verilog
    #tb = traceSignals(testBench)
    sim = Simulation(testBench(simVer))

I should have asked this to start with, which version of myhdl are you using? If you are using the latest in the github master branch you will need the @block decorator.

I use the latest stable version of MyHDL, 0.9.
And for simulation Iverilog 10.0.

Is it better to use MyHDL 1.0 form Github?